News and Announcements
Dutch-Canadian Remembrance Day Service 2024
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, members of the Dutch Canadian Community will commemorate the fallen “Dutch citizens” and the contributions of Canadian veterans and families to liberate the Netherlands from Nazi Germany’s occupation during the Second World War.
read moreErik van der Ven receives Royal recognition from the King of the Netherlands on King’s Day (Koningsdag) in Vancouver, British Columbia.
On April 27, 2022, Erik van der Ven received a Koninklijke Onderscheiding from his Majesty, Koning Willem Alexander of the Netherlands and became a member of the Order of Oranje-Nassau.
read moreRoyal decoration for past-president Adriana Zylmans
It is a great honour and with tremendous joy that I am able to share with you that our past-president Dr. Adriana Zylmans received a royal decoration from His Majesty The King of the Netherlands. At...
read moreNew documentary celebrates Canadian role in the liberation of the Netherlands
Made-in-B.C. broadcast marking the 75th Anniversary airs on Global BC on November 7, 2020. Ottawa, ON – November 3, 2020 – It’s been 75 years since Canadians helped liberate the Netherlands...
read moreAbbotsford educator receives Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Source: The Abbotsford News Debbie Mar of Upper Sumas Elementary only one in B.C. named for national honour An Abbotsford teacher is among 10 recipients – and the only one in B.C. – of the national...
read moreSurvey Into Services Provided By The Dutch Government
Woont, werkt of studeert u buiten Nederland? Doe mee met onderzoek naar de dienstverlening van de Nederlandse overheid De Nederlandse (Rijks)overheid wil de dienstverlening aan Nederlanders in het...
read moreAnne Frank’s Diary Marking the 75th Anniversary of The Liberation of The Netherlands
What a great initiative by indigenous actor Jenifer Brousseau with support of the Dutch Consulate General Vancouver to read Anne Frank’s Diary marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands.
read moreStudent Photo Contest
Students, celebrate the Canadian Liberator tulips and enter the BCAITC Student Photo Contest for a chance to win valuable prizes ($375 total prize value)!
read moreMay 4th Live-Stream Commemoration Ceremony
On May 4 we will commemorate the victims of war while heeding the measures necessary to control the Corona virus. We will commemorate in solidarity, each with his or her own memories and thoughts.
read moreGroesbeek’s Canadian War Heroes: we give them a ‘Face’ by telling their life story.
Canadian liberators in the spotlight, tribute to those who never returned. We are celebrating 75 years of freedom and want to honor the Canadians who fell in that cause. The ‘Faces to Graves’...
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