To produce a weekly, one hour Dutch language radio show produced by volunteers from the Dutch Community. A group of volunteers is needed who will dedicate themselves to produce this show on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.

Vancouver once had a daily Dutch radio show on Fairchild Radio, hosted by Anke Dekker. It aired for 17 years and ended in 2010. The show was very popular in the Dutch Community and contained Dutch music, Dutch news, interviews and community information.
The Dutch Network would like to produce a new radio show on Vancouver Co-Operative Radio, CFRO, 100.5 FM, with volunteer programmers. The aim is to interact with the Dutch Community in the Lower Mainland and provide them with a local show they can call their own.
The show will air weekly. We can either broadcast the show live, or record it in advance. We can even record multiple shows at once to cover an entire month of programming.
The production team will decide the theme and content of the show, along with the recording schedule. Right now it is a blank canvas! Co-Op Radio will provide training, assistance and guidance during the setup and production of the show.

Co-Op Radio 100.5 FM, Weekly Show. Sunday. 10:00 – 11:00.
The show will also be permanently available for download as a Podcast on the Dutch Network’s website so people can listen on demand.
Q2 2017

The following tasks will give an idea of what’s expected from the production team. Note that one person may play multiple roles, or one role can be done by several people.
• Content creation. Find and re-write news items for radio. Find commentary / columnists. Find guests or people to interview.
• Find and select music based on how many pieces of music are needed. Write the playlist.
• Coordinate production. Call or email people who have committed to doing work on the show. Schedule production. Setup interviews. Write the show script and set the timing.
• Host the show.
• Studio Director. Prepare the show in advance and make sure that operators and hosts know what’s next during production.
• Operator. Someone who ‘pushes the buttons’ and makes sure that everything ‘glues’ together nicely.

Co-Op Radio will provide a 4-step training program to get our team started, and to inform us about all the technical and legal aspects of producing and broadcasting a show on Vancouver Co-Operative Radio.

It is the Dutch Network’s goal to produce a show for the long term. If you would like to be part of this team, we need long-term dedication and participation. If we find enough volunteers however, team members can share roles and give others a break from time to time. It all depends on the number of volunteers we get!
Team members are expected to be members in good standing of “Je Maintiendrai” / The Dutch Network. If you are not a member, a membership can be obtained at $35 a year.

John van Rij
604.837.9786 (Phone / Texting / WhatsApp)